Taking Out the Dye
This workshop is a little different in that you don’t need to bring your sewing machine (unless you want to) and there isn’t a project you need to finish. Colleen starts with a little show and tell of quilts she has made using DeColourant in the design process. She then teaches a variety of techniques for using DeColourant on fabric and demonstrates how to use all the different tools she has acquired. Then she lets you play with her toys and gives you any assistance you might need or want for the rest of the workshop. Colleen provides all the DeColourant you need during the workshop, and sends you home with a small container at the end.
2023 “Taking Out the Dye” Fee: 1-10 Participants $350, each additional participant $25, plus current IRS rate for mileage. (maximum 20 participants)

Notan Design Workshop
Notan in Japanese means light dark harmony. The technique taught in this workshop is based on a version of Notan involving cut paper. We’ll be using the same technique, only with fabric. After the initial instruction, participants will experiment first with paper, and then with fabric to create Notan designs. Participants can choose whether to just play making blocks, or to choose a pattern and create a small quilt using blocks they have made. This works really well with any fabric that basically looks the same on both sides. My favorite is batiks.
2023 Notan Design Fee: 1-10 Participants $350, each additional participant $25, plus current IRS rate for mileage. (maximum 20 participants)